Aitkenbar Primary School

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P1 -Miss Simpson
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Welcome to Primary 1!



There are 23 pupils in Primary 1 this year.

The teacher is Miss Simpson. 



May/June 2022


We will continue to share information about ourselves.

We will draw detailed pictures and begin to attempt to write our own news. (This may be copied or scribed). We will be introduced to the system of '2 Stars and a Wish' to create targets.

We will continue reading as part of a group and class.

We will be working on the sounds 'ar', 'er', 'oi', 'or' and reinforcing those taught previously.

We will learn to form letters accurately and think of words which start with different sounds.

We will listen to, discuss and predict the endings of stories.

We will try to write simple sentences independently.

We will use question words to make up our own questions about stories.

We will continue to be introduced to the P1 common words. 

We will retell, sequence and rewrite stories.

We will plan research and write a fact sheet about the Queen.

We will collect 'wow' words and try to use them in our writing.

We will learn about rhythm and rhyme.


Numeracy & Maths

We will continue work on number formation and value.

We will look at numbers which are odd and even.

We will use our daily calendar to talk about days of the week, months of the year and seasons.

We will work in small groups to explore numbers.

We will work on sharing and group.

We will revise different concepts which we have encountered during Primary 1- time, giving correct coins to make different amounts, giving change, symmetry.


We will learn about the Queen and her Jubilee.

We will design, make and evaluate thrones for 'Jubilee' the bear.

We will design and make decorations for a celebration (Jubilee).



We will have PE on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and children should come to school in appropriate kit on these days. This should include tracksuits/jogging trousers, a t-shirt (not sleeveless), sweat shirt or similar and trainers or other suitable footwear.